#On Page #Paid Campaigns #White Hat Seo

How PPC & SEO Can Work Together

SEO of a website brings long-lasting good rankings in search results if it is performed in the right way, but there is a lot of struggle required along with time. Similarly, PPC campaigns are also effective in the situation when you want rapid traffic on your website. According to research, An average business makes $2 in revenue for every $1 spent on Google Ads.

Now the interesting fact is what happens when you combine Seo with PPC. You can use SEO and PPC together to maximize the benefits of each and create effective marketing campaigns. SEO has it’s own benefits and the same stands for PPC. Sustaining these benefits together can result in a massive outcome and optimum results.

What is PPC and what are its benefits

Pay-per-click (PPC) is the term used to refer to paid advertising on the Internet, usually through Google AdWords or Bing Ads. Advertisers pay a fee each time one of their ads is clicked. Let’s know about the benefits of PPC.

Targeted Reach

SEO (search engine optimization) is a set of processes aimed at improving a website’s visibility in search engines, like Google, with the goal of getting more organic traffic. SEO is about fulfilling users’ search needs by creating relevant, high-quality content and providing the best possible user experience. Here are some of the key advantages of SEO.

Increased Organic Traffic

SEO helps your website rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) for relevant keywords. This means your website will be seen by more people organically, without having to pay for each click. This can lead to a significant increase in website traffic, which can ultimately translate to more leads and sales.

Improved Website Credibility

Through high rankings in search results, SEO improves website credibility and authority in the eyes of potential customers. This can lead to higher conversion rates and increased trust in your brand.

Targeted Audience

As you are familiar with the fact PPC campaigns can target a highly relevant audience. Similarly, SEO can also target audience in the same way as PPC campaigns by focusing on keywords related to your niche or industry, so that you can ensure that the visitors who find your website are genuinely interested in what you have to offer.

Now we have understood some of the benefits of SEO and PPC. Each of them has its own benefits and implementation of these two techniques can bring targeted and good amount of traffic on websites. Let’s know in what ways SEO can be used with PPC to drive a large amount of traffic.

Remarketing and funnel stage targeting

Broadly, remarketing is showing a PPC ad to someone who’s already visited your site.

The more people who visit your site, the larger your audience sizes to target via PPC.

Here are a couple of examples of PPC and SEO working together:

Example 1: You sell diamond-encrusted fidget spinners.

  • The user clicks on your blog post about ‘insanely expensive toys’ via an organic Google search listing. They read the blog post, then they check out the £1,500 fidget spinner and finally leave the site.
  • A week later the user sees an ad about a 15% off summer sale you’re running sitewide. They Google the brand name, and click the organic results to find how much the fidget spinner costs now. They add it to the cart to calculate the shipping cost, then leave.
  • A day later they see another ad with a 20% discount specifically for the fidget spinner! Their mind is blown, they click the ad and finally purchase – feeling excited and fuzzy about the gizmo they’ll receive.

Example 2: You own a project management SaaS tool.

  • The user clicks on a blog post about ‘how to better manage time at work’ from an organic search listing, then leaves.
  • A day later they see an ad about signing up for a 30-day free trial, they click and sign up.
  • 29 days later after using the tool, they Google ‘Asana pricing’ to get an idea about competitor pricing. The first thing they see is our remarketing PPC ad promoting your site with a 25% annual discount if they sign up right now, as well as communicating why you’re better (and cheaper) than Asana.

You see how both, SEO and PPC together helped a website to get a remarkable sale in the overall conversion path.

PPC as a platform for keyword strategy and CTR testing

Google Ads is the perfect place to build a keyword strategy.

Ad CTR testing and other A/B tests can be experimented with to find winners and losers before rolling out and implementing a potentially more costly (and terrifying) organic keyword strategy.

From a PPC perspective, Google Search Console is a great place for keyword inspiration.

Organically, the site might be ranking for terms you’ve not discovered or thought of that you can layer into your PPC efforts.

Focusing on underperforming or new segments

Good organic rankings are not consistent for a long time across all products or service types on a website.

Ie. Your ‘Red shoe’ product category or ‘Office removals’ service page may rank much lower than the ‘Yellow shoe’ or ‘Home removal’ pages.

The same goes for new products or services.

With PPC you can focus on the new segments while waiting for the Google Gods to index you organically.

(Don’t forget to remarket to your past, loyal customers while you’re at it)

Pulling budget from high performing organic segments

If you’re seeing stellar organic results in one area of the website, you can be defensive and dial back on PPC efforts there and allocate budget towards lower ranking terms – or double down and go for full SERP Organic/Paid visibility dominance.

More clicks volume overall

Running both PPC and SEO together will lead to more overall click volume to the site, growing brand awareness along the way.

So in this article, you have now understood how does Implementation of SEO and PPC strategies can lead to the desired amount of traffic. The following are the benefits of using SEO and PPC:

  • Reach: Target & attract a broader audience through paid (PPC) & organic (SEO) channels.
  • Results: See immediate impact via PPC, and build long-term growth with SEO.
  • Control: Budget for paid reach, earn free (organic) traffic over time.
  • Credibility: High rankings in both build trust and brand authority.
  • Data: Optimize both campaigns with insights from each other.

SEO + PPC is a win-win for websites who are seeking for maximum visibility and audience engagement

How PPC & SEO Can Work Together

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How PPC & SEO Can Work Together

How PPC & SEO Can Work Together

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